
From Me To You

The All-Encompassing Healing Self #healingenergy #ifs #internalfamilysystems #sacredhealing Feb 17, 2023

In sacred healing, which we all have access to, there are various concepts of Self and being witness to.  ‘Self-energy’, ‘self-essence,’ and...

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How Parts Take On Protective Roles #healingenergy #ifs #internalfamilysystems #sacredhealing #thejourneyhome Feb 10, 2023

In Internal Family Systems (IFS), the concept of "parts" refers to sub-personalities that exist within an individual. These parts originate from early life experiences and are believed to develop...

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IFS - The Healing Energy Of Self #healingenergy #ifs #internalfamilysystems #sacredhealing #thejourneyhome Feb 03, 2023

As a therapist, I have been trained in a variety of therapeutic modalities, but there is one in particular that I have grown to love: Internal Family Systems (IFS). IFS is a powerful and effective...

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