
From Me To You

Influenced By A Lower Energy Source

Dec 04, 2022

Do you know to accept the things you can't change?  Can you understand the numerous changes that occur in your life every day?

When you can accept things in life, including you and other people, you find a way to take charge. Being the leader in your life helps you see how you can improve all areas of your life. When you learn to accept 'it is, what it is', you'll discover a new sense of Self and become more open and curious.

Many believe we have established our lifelong identity when we act the same way every day. That’s incorrect. We have emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and actions and have been infiltrated by a world of programmed influences. Every day we feel something new, which causes our ‘personality’ to reflect these programmed influences.

We live in a world that desensitizes us to our authentic Self. We're surrounded by 1000000000000s of influences on TV, in the media, on radio, in homes, social media, government, schools, etc. Each to their own, but everybody judges somebody at some time, which we must accept. We can't alter these people’s behaviors and ways of thinking, but we may change ours. This is a component of learning and receiving. The best way in a crazy world is to become your influence and let other forces that make another person's life miserable, chaotic, or fearful be your red flags.

Once you learn to accept all parts of yourself, you'll be eager to laugh. For example, if somebody makes you feel crazy, you'll see the humor in their actions. You might see the humor in your actions if you make an error and feed into their programmed beliefs. Once you see life’s spirit, you'll feel better inside. When you learn to change to better yourself, others might follow. Good role modeling has proven far more effective than words in encouraging others to change.

As you grow, you’ll feel a new hunger, guiding you to discover new ways to better yourself. As you begin to feel better, you will feel compelled to exercise, eat with a healthy appetite, hang out with positive people, and see the best in everything. Once you feel this hunger, you'll feel inspired to accomplish your goals and step into an energy greater than fear or despair. We all have access to this way of being. Getting to know your internal influencers creates a path, an opening, and momentum to keep remembering who you are.

Are you curious enough to go on this Journey Home®? We would love to support and walk alongside you in our beautiful community.

In abundant love and kindness for all gentle souls

Angela xox