
From Me To You

What Does It Mean To Be An Energetic Being

#energy #infinitepossibilites heartmath ifs scaredhealing Feb 07, 2023

As a HeartMath Practitioner, I love how research can articulate what it feels like to be an infinite energetic being. After working with Dr Joe Dispenza for over 100 hours and witnessing energy healings in a room of over a thousand beings, I know what it feels like to be an infinite energetic being.

Being energetic means understanding the powerful connection between your heart, mind, and emotions. Working with the mind alone keeps you stuck in ‘loops’. The mind only holds the ‘known state’. We have to move outside of the ‘known state’. Moving beyond the mind and into a state of infinite possibilities.

So, what does it mean to be an infinite energetic being? Here are some essential qualities:

  1. Emotional Regulation: An infinite energetic being understands the importance of emotional regulation. They can healthily manage their emotions, recognising that their emotional state directly impacts their physical health and overall well-being. They practice deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness techniques to observe their emotions and maintain a coherent state.
  2. Heart-Brain Coherence: An infinite energetic being understands the powerful connection between the heart and brain. They have learned to synchronise their heart rate variability with their breathing and other bodily rhythms, creating a state of heart-brain coherence that promotes overall well-being. This state of coherence is associated with a range of benefits, including improved emotional regulation, reduced stress, and enhanced mental clarity and focus.
  3. Positive Outlook: An infinite energetic being maintains a positive outlook on life. They focus on the good in every situation, even in difficult times, and cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the people and experiences in their lives. They understand that positive emotions such as love, joy, and gratitude directly impact their physical and emotional health, and they actively work to cultivate these emotions in their daily lives.
  4. Mindfulness and Intuition: An infinite energetic being is attuned to their intuition and the subtle cues of their body and environment. They practice mindfulness techniques to help them stay present and aware of their thoughts and emotions and trust their intuition when making important decisions. They understand that the heart and brain work together to provide a powerful source of intuition and insight, and they use this to navigate their lives with greater ease and confidence.
  5. Compassion, Clarity and Courage: An infinite energetic being knows parts of their psyche that hold deep pain, trauma and templates they access through curiosity, compassion and courage. They understand this to be part of their human condition and do not bypass but love and gracefully embrace it.
  6. Mind-Body Connection: An infinite energetic being knows thoughts and emotions directly impact our physical body. By cultivating positive emotions and changing our thought patterns, we can change the physical structure of our brain and body, leading to profound transformations in our health and well-being.
  7. Quantum Field: An infinite energetic being knows that with all of its ‘being’ we are all connected to a universal quantum field of energy and information. By tapping into this field, we can access infinite possibilities and create the reality we desire.
  8. Meditation and Visualization: An energetic being knows meditation and visualisation are powerful tools for transforming our lives. By meditating and visualising our desired outcomes, we can rewire our brains and create new neural pathways that support our goals
  9. Personal Empowerment: Personal empowerment is the most crucial concept of being an infinite energetic being. By recognizing our infinite potential and taking responsibility for our lives, we can create the reality we desire and live a fulfilling, purposeful life.

Being energetic means developing a deeper awareness of the connection between your heart, mind, and emotions. Recognising the power of our thoughts and emotions, tapping into the universal quantum field of energy and information, and cultivating new habits and behaviours that support personal growth and transformation. By embracing these concepts and taking action to transform our lives, we can create a genuinely infinite life in its potential and possibilities.

It means learning to regulate your emotions, cultivate positive emotions, and synchronise your heart and brain to create a state of coherence and well-being. By cultivating these qualities, you can enhance your overall health and well-being and live a more fulfilling, purposeful life.

It transforms your world and transcends you to another dimension. Working only with the mind keeps you in a ‘known’ loop. Working beyond the mind into the space of the energy field, both internally and externally, brings infinite possibilities.

In abundant love and kindness for all gentle souls

Angela xox